


As of August '22, I've started reading my pieces aloud. 

Four Minute Musings starts emailing Fridays. at 4 am. 
David L White on Substack

Four Minute Musings, yes, includes my poems.  I say 'my' poems, as if. Part of the point is to point out the Muse. I may also include a few thoughts on product, process, creativity, learning, and sharing.

Please visit. It's me bringing my poems up off the flat page. You may listen without subscribing. Subscribe anyway. You can always take a break anytime - just like most places.

David L White on Substack

As I go through the readings I am looking for my favorite pieces. I might put that compilation together.

Meanwhile I've been gathering and posting.

There is No Door and More is a republishing of my early pieces - all of which are out of print.

Musings 2020

Musings 2021

Musings 2022 - in progress

Yes, thank you, I did assemble an ebook, and the free services rejected it because unnamed pieces of mine existed elsewhere on the internet. I'd be happy to edit them out, but it's one by one, hit and miss. Too much.

There are three of my poetry books on Amazon titled:

Lost and Found
Cloud Fishing
Velveteen Frankensteen

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