
Friday, February 11, 2022

Trucking the overburden

 I have loved quotations and/or memes, mostly of the psycho spiritual variety, all of my life. And, ever since Facebook groups, I have been collecting them and making screenshots. I have over 10,000. I’m running out of drive space. 

And the sad thing is they’re not categorized or searchable. All of a sudden it feels like a waste. Especially when hundreds of people are already doing this. I have to look up Emerson anyway every time.

Some I’ve collected are here and Pinterest and here finally links to some of my favorite authors.

Finally I see a glimpse in the mirror ball and hope to free up some space in the spiritual junk drawer.

There are gemstones in the mountains. I need to truck off the overburden and drill down.

Sample only! 10,000 memes - non-searchable and uncategorized.

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