
Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Zoupa Zine One

 Zoupa Zine

March 11, 2022

Dear Friends and Readers,

I used to do a print zine. It was a 20 year long print hobby. 

A personal newsletter. A variety show. Play time. Me.

I missed it. Till now.

In my life, Facebook and the first smart phone arrived about the same time. And CONSUMPTION began to take up hobby, CREATION time. As always, other elements came to play. But …

It feels good to be back in the saddle. Do I have everything? Canteen? Snake bite kit? Matches? Check.

On a personal note, last night we went to our first big public thing in the two years since the lock down. A musical at The Rep, As You Like It, was a Shakespeare, Beatles mashup, set in the 60’s, with a live band in which some of the musicians are also actors in the play. Wild. Wonderful.

And ZZ on to the little show ...

First off, I’d like to thank our sponsor 

Only Oscar at Only Oscar’s Option Lot 

for reminding you that the 

49th or 50 Annual International Hobo Daze Parade 

is kicking off a year-long treasure hunt this year. Details to follow.

Only Oscar’s Option Lot with all that is and all that’s not.

Pull up. Drive Through. Same same. First and Main, River Bridge

Note: we are already sold out of the nonexistent baseball caps and Hobo Daze hoodies. Sad face.

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In this issue:

Elizabeth Gilbert
Kristin Chenowith
Do Happy Better
Visit the Bench
This Gift of Presence

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How to talk about consuming language? An ongoing puzzlement.
How to remind each other that we are called upon to tweak our recipe.
Zoupa reminds me that, in addition to whatever words are involved, 
there is the delivery that may be considered.

Zoupa may have occurred to me in costume: Mediterranean, Greek, Italian, or Hollywoodian.

The call is to enlarge or enhance the call itself. Make it Bigger.

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Elizabeth Gilbert

I watched a TED Talk a few years old with Elizabeth Gilbert, after Eat, Pray, Love and before Big Magic. The stories she’s telling end up in Big Magic. Loved Big Magic.

It seems to expand on creative genius to include everyone. You, too.

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Kristin Chenoweth was on the talk show circuit recently with her Amazon, number one best seller, not yet released, children’s book, titled: What will I do with my love today?

What will I do with my love today?
The title alone is enough for a while.
I may not even read the book. 

It is enough for me BECAUSE it speaks to a constellation flickering into being with my projects Zoupa, GigaHug, and Visit the Bench.

What will I do with my love today? allows me to store up-level energy to an accessible, off-site location. Crystal energy hidden in the sand. Water of life in the tree. In the grass. And that Great Lake?

The bench happens to be scenery. Something to hang onto as you dance your part across the stage. You pose in slo-mo like a shampoo commercial featuring a sassy little all wheel drive jazz box way off the road.

Stomp the box.

What will I do with my love today?

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Do Happy Better dot com.

I registered that domain 9 years ago.
I printed it, permanently, on lots of stuff,
inducing a book titled How to Do Happy Better.

I have an email Do Happy Better g m blah blah.
I had parked it because of hackers. I did not think it could really get stolen when it was parked. Ha ha.

Do Happy Better could now be called …

You Velly Happy Now, Joe…
because it was hijacked by an oriental porn deal.
So much for happy. I’d about given up anyway.

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Visit the Bench

I think it’s just that I want to say GigaHug DotCom.

GigaHug DotCom acts like the bench. It give us something to hang on to.

The bench in my photograph is a generic park bench overlooking Lake Michigan along the robust Milwaukee Park system overlooking Lake Michigan. It’s a picture of an unoccupied bench with grass, trees, lake.

I picked a bench overlooking the lake because it seems a peaceful place to ponder life. The idea being when you are ready the gift is there. I say bench because it’s simple to hang on to. The energy is in the grass, trees, lake, and your heart mind as you activate it. Further, and this is really the second best part of it is that you may be able to visit the bench via V.I.A. your imagination. VIA Visualize. Intend. Attend.

On 2017 I wrote a poem titled This Gift of Presence the pounding of which may have lead us here.

Sending energy to others

“You never want to infringe upon another’s free will or interfere with their pre-planned life events, despite how badly want to help them. When you want to send healing to another, it’s actually in their best interest to send a neutral packet of energy to their higher self. Ask for this energy to be used in their, and the collective’s, best and highest good in helping to manifest the most desired result in alignment with all.”


While there are many fine reasons to engage in interpersonal energy work. 
The gift is in the giving. You share. Amp it up. Zoupa !!!

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Lighten up on yourself! ~ Bashar ~

"Change your definition, believe in your new definition, act like you believe in your new definition and your physical reality has no choice but to reflect your belief, your action, your new definition.

Now, if you believe for any reason and it does not matter why - if you believe you need a process to acclimate you into the understanding that it's alright to believe you're that powerful and it's alright to believe it's that simple and that easy, then by all means attract to yourself a process, an exercise... whatever you find most enjoyable, just because you enjoy it. 

Lighten up on yourself!"

~ Bashar ~ ; Conscious Commandment, 1987

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No tumult
Out the window front

Amazing what blooms 
with mindscape ablaze

blue sky
thin clouds


still bare trees
out the window front

© 2022 David L White

3/9/22 poem

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Hobo Daze Parade

The 49th or 50th annual 
Hobo Daze Parade

April 12 at 11 AM
Down by the river
Rain checks available
And highly encouraged

Come when you can spend a minute or two.

For many years I tried to convince people just to get lost. Safe and sound of course. No fear. But it has something to do with mental chatter and letting yourself just be. Let yourself be.

You don’t have to produce anything every minute. Take a day. Put it on the calendar. 49 years? Actually it is turned in to the season we finally called spring. And this year because it’s the 49th or 50th it is a year-long treasure hunt. The title of it is a carta vida by which I mean to charge your life. More about that another time. 

So I would say “go get lost” and I began to change my idea to play. By play, I mean to explore and discover.

Finally and recently I think my clearest message might be simply this: entertain yourself more often.

People may call you a hobo because you’re not doing what they want you to do. Take care of yourself. Go get lost. See you at the river.

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That’s a wrap.

In the next issue:

Poetry Legacy
Quotation Memes
Bashar and Seth
Hobo Daze Parade

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David L

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