Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Here and Gone


Here and Gone

In the middle of 

everything going on, 

course plotted, autopilot on,

Nothing to do. We need to wait.

Together. We wait together.

Perhaps we hold hands.

Bump shoulders.


Like so many moments 

this passes and we're 

off again.








Bumper Sticker

 You can label it 

and move on …

And you will go sub-surface 

when the name of it grabs you.

It - something - anything.

The image of the Vietnam Veterans wall pops to mind, and

(I’m sure I had a picture here when we were there),

the staggering number of names and how often we look for the one.

The one. That one that ….

Everywhere we touch can open like a portal 

to whatever depth you’re willing to dive.

Most often it seems 

we splash in the shallows 

with manageable waves.

People may say,

“You’re not paying attention!”, and

they don’t know how much else 

is going on right this moment.

Looking for a single bumpersticker

That covers it all.


© David L White


Infinite. Eternal. Whatever.


Infinite. Eternal. Whatever.

We can start if you like.

Talk a walk.

Order in lunch.

Start a diary.

I mean … start a

manly, map journal

with rocks, blood, and sticks

and moss or rabbit fur for 


the flow, while

diagramming this

bleeding life.

I’m quite sure I,

that is, I, will not,

will not, make it to the end

of the tallied totals.

Infinite. Eternal.

You might not 

be there

any way.

And … I’ve already 

seen … some of the 

credits ... rolling.


No comment.

Call my office.





January 3, 2024

4:29 pm

Thank you. Keep up the good work.

 This gift I give, this praise to others, 

is a selfish maneuver.

Thank you. Keep up the good work. 

It means that I, in this moment, see you. 

Wish you well.

I do it because it makes me feel better. Me. 

There is the selfish part. I am quite sure, 

after viewing many faces smiling, 

the lovely energy radiates outward. 

Any more no doubt.

I have also learned that others cannot 

seem to extend themselves in this manner. 

For whatever set of reasons. And that’s fine, too.

I certainly am not advising you. 

Have a good time, if you are so inclined. 

Poem 1/16/24

With more heart

 Adding more heart to mind. This is caring. 

This is caring with thoughtfulness. 

This is where mindfulness becomes carefulness. 

The mindfulness people say to watch your thoughts. 

It might be a reasonable idea to watch your mouth as well. 

Or listen to what comes in and what goes out.



This is also a draft, but why wait?

If you have the idea it may not need any more editing.

Enlightened poetry


Enlightened poetry

I wander from room to room, 

speaking to myself aloud, 

sometimes without my dictate phone. 

That’s all the light I need. 

The rooms are helpful.

Windows critical.

I could only speculate on what you might need.

This comparing of things. This is judgment. 

At what cost?

How much more enlightenment than this?

It seems the way is in the wandering. 

This is a fragment of the map.




New faces

 I've been making vase faces for awhile. I am glad to see something else appear. It may have been due to the seemingly late launch of winter that brings these new faces to mind ... to hand.

New scribbles. Mid January 2024.

Wednesday, January 3, 2024

Infinite. Eternal. Whatever.


Infinite. Eternal. Whatever.

We can start if you like.

Talk a walk.

Order in lunch.

Start a diary.

I mean … start a

manly, map journal

with rocks, blood, and sticks

and moss or rabbit fur for 


the flow, while

diagramming this

bleeding life.

I’m quite sure I,

that is, I, will not,

will not, make it to the end

of the tallied totals.

Infinite. Eternal.

You might not 

be there

any way.

And … I’ve already 

seen … some of the 

credits ... rolling.


No comment.

Call my office.





January 3, 2024

4:29 pm

Monday, January 1, 2024



Thinking Threads

 I think we're taking the zoupa.musings moniker off the wall 1/1/24

That, along with the admonition to: Stir Your Soup, never got the ligaments I was looking for.

So, zoupa.musings might be replaced with 



 - OR - 

maybe just go for the throat

I do not know if I can have a domain name as a username. ah. no. not without written permission.


I wish to impress, or reiterate, the power of words, in order to prompt the feel-good stuff.

One Day Monday

 January First 2024

1+1+20+2+4 =  1. A one day on a Monday at the start of a brand new - please stay tuned - TBD whatever.

a work in progress ....

Today we are announcing The AZML Soup Kitchen; a more public facing enclave. The invitation is out. Come up! Join us on the porch and share some stories with your bread and butter. Always simmering is a perpetual broth made with water from the Fountain of Youth. The fountain, as long been suspected, is simply a spring in the aquifer. 

Just add a cup of dry noodle letters, and we'll marinate them in meaning, baste them in bullshit

Swami Veeda announces the AZML Soup Kitchen. It's really the employee cafeteria, but the 'test kitchen' has long been a fixture in the Alphabet Zoupe Memorial Library. 

Swami V'da, (Verandananda) gets a phonetic upgrade to Veeda. 

Something flashed by the windshield and I pumped the brakes. My art made a little screech as I began work on my first art note doodle commission. 

We imagine rotating the bauble a bit,

In the beginning was the word, and the word was made of letters, arranged in a ladle, laid in the Alphabet Zoupe, kettle of creation. Alphabet Soup.

These are no longer dry noodles, but marinated in meaning, and boiled in beliefs, and saturated with stories of the supernatural.

And the ladle is a magic wand. I create as I speak. Abracadabra. Because I said so. 

This is what it looks like from my seat at the table.

Thank you, Carolyn

A wonderful gal initialed CH at the .com for the auto donation industry at my favorite public radio station in Milwaukee WUWM, went above, b...