Saturday, June 6, 2020

Trifles Saturday 060620

Trifles are love notes painted on 5.5 x 8.5" card, accordion folded to fit into an A2 envelope and mailed via the postal system. They will stand on their own in a W shape. Temporary art requiring only a little shelf or desk space and no frame.

Friday, June 5, 2020

Some customers

You know how some customers are gems? We seemed to already know one another.

NP was third out of three. She'd seen me interact with women #1 and #2.
And then it was our turn. We could choose city streets west on Howard - OR -
run up over the Hoan Bridge, see Lake Michigan, and head south again at Miller Park.
She thought the lake way sounded very romantic.
Apparently I inspired her to create a blog.
Here's her first post.

Today she's in Bay View protesting. That inspiration came from elsewhere. Be careful NP.

Thursday, June 4, 2020

Talking. Listening.


Click link below

Relax. You don’t have to be the expert. 
I don’t know what you should do. 
Just call. You can talk. I’ll listen. 

Confidential Conversation Connection

Therapeutic Linguistics
Holistic Metaphysician • Applied Neology
Phrasal Massage • Letra Yoga

David L White

Thank you, Carolyn

A wonderful gal initialed CH at the .com for the auto donation industry at my favorite public radio station in Milwaukee WUWM, went above, b...