Thursday, January 19, 2023
Tuesday, January 3, 2023
Art Spin
ArtSpin - Under construction
Late Jan 30, 2023 I offered this image on FB. Overnight five peeps put their names in the hat. I am beside myself with glee.
I say under construction because I am learning ... I forgot to put a close date.
I need to get a more concise message. I would rather share these than keep them. I may decide to start selling. That sounds like work that does not get the same vibe as sharing.
We'll get there.
If you would like a free chance at an original piece of art by DLWhite please comment dohappybetter IG, FACEBOOK:
or email, with your First Name and Last Initial.
I will add your name to the wheel after I hear from you.
Sliding scale - pay what you feel, including free.
Sample Art below
Sample Wheel here: