Wednesday, December 27, 2023

My first commision

 December 2023: Susan likes my art enough to ask me to make her some notes. I'm touched. 

We set few parameters. Few. Yaay.


I might have ADHD. I might also think it's too late to bother. It's not getting in the way. And then, Erica offered a term she had recently encountered. 



On another note I still have stuff. What to do?

A free issue of PandaLoon requires a #10 SASE.

David L White

PO Box 142

Greendale, WI 53129

PandaLoon, a 4x7”, 16 page, pocket poetry chapbook.
Good while supplies last. Ask first

Tommy Tree Note

In my print shop I was running an A.B. Dick 360, single color press. Technically, according to the government, a duplicator.

As I worked with QuarkXPress and Adobe Illustrator, I wondered if I could create and print a couple cartoons, one color at a time; CMYK.

The Apple LaserWriter IINT was a black toner, 300 dpi, printer of the era. Big dots. Sunday paper cartoon dots.

This was before color laser printers and inkjet.

The experiment was about holding registration between color runs. I was happy enough.

A moment.


Wednesday, December 20, 2023

Merry Christmas


PandaLoon; a playful wailing of pocket poetry. Retyped, in a time before email, sixteen pages, 4x7", vellum cover, hand assembled, and mailed worldwide. 

My love, an unsustainable success.

Published by Small Potatoes Press by David L White Milwaukee WI at the end of the 20th century.

I'm thinking of promoting swap and share tables at local libraries featuring local poets that may also have chapbooks in their closets. April is National Poetry Month. I'd rather have readers than dollars. There's time to prepare.

David L White . 414-282-7185

Sunday, December 17, 2023

Meat and Teeth

While playing hide and seek in a disco house of mirrors, a fog rolls in. We proceed with abandon, oregano, and cinnamon. Meat and teeth with a hint of what the hell.

Yes, I pick up sparkle rocks sometimes. I'm minding my own business, cleaning out my life, if only to make more room on deck, and some of the rocks took a form. They said hello. I photo snapped them quickly with little regard to composition and lighting.

They were pleased. They'd never gathered together like this.

I had been thinking of taking them on a picnic at the Fox River in Waterford and releasing them back into the stream. And off my table bench space.

Nope. Not now yet. They glint and wink at me. The limelight becomes them.

What becomes you? Perhaps you might jot some recipes in your cookbook life.

Friday, December 15, 2023

Dedicated to Doctor TOM


I woke up with three brand new poems this morning. This first one is for you, Doctor TOM

As much as I’d love to finish this poem, 

I’ve got work to do in the railyard, 

and a long train is coming.

I’ve seen the poster.

I printed it.


= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

Peanuts, popcorn, and penny poems

Dedicated to Doctor TOM

Suppose for a moment 

that your life and times are

represented as a circus train

Suppose, I mean imagine,

souls flocking to see your act

in the park, near the tracks

Suppose I’ve seen the poster, 

announcing the date of your arrival 

in my own home town

Suppose I’m already practicing my 

maneuvers as a sword swallowing, 

clown car, hippo on trapeze 

You are moving through, of course, 

and I’m running away without you 

Away … without. I preposition* you.

Copyright David L White

12/15/23 . 6:30 am




Those other two poems I mentioned.

Sometimes the 

morning snuggle is me 

getting up to write 

a chunk of poem, 

and you falling 

back asleep

I came back. 

With a poem.

That’s how I know. 




The poetry is the dead bits of life, 

stuck on a window screen after 

years of breeze. 

Spider shit, mosquito wings, fly balls, 

and a lightning bug that flicked on and off,

for quite awhile, if you can even believe. 

But there it is 

stuck in the screen 

chunks from the breeze. 




Thanks to

What is an example of a preposition?

The most common prepositions are at, by, for, from, in, of, on, to, and with. Other common prepositions are about, above, across, after, against, along, among, around, because of, before, behind, below, beneath, beside, between, close to, down, during, except, inside, instead of, into, like, near, off, on top of, onto, out of, outside, over, past, since, through, toward, under, until, up, upon, within, without.