Monday, April 22, 2024

Language Exchange - Intercambio -

 Language Exchange/Intercambio de idiomas

This class connects Spanish and English language learners seeking to improve their conversational skills and meet people from different cultural backgrounds. You will have the opportunity to speak with a partner fluent in the language you are learning and interested in learning yours. Intended for fluent English and Spanish speakers learning the other language. For the convenience of our language learners, this class is between our Spanish and ESL classes. 

Esta clase conecta a estudiantes de español e inglés que desean mejorar sus habilidades de conversación y conocer a personas de diferentes culturas. Se ofrece la oportunidad de hablar con un compañero que domina el idioma que se aprende y que está interesado en aprender el suyo. Destinado a hablantes fluidos de español e inglés que aprenden el otro idioma. Por la conveniencia de nuestros estudiantes de idiomas, esta clase se encuentra entre nuestras clases de español y ESL.

Activity Code: 1R554403



Wed, Jun 26-Aug 21, 1:30PM-2:00PM

$10 Residents/$15 Non-Residents

Sunday, April 21, 2024

How Am I ?

 How am I?

Let me pick a few ripe fruits 

from invisible trees in this garden, 

I swear we're standing in right now.

Would you like a tour?

Or, we can sit a bit.

I'll fix you a plate.


Copyright David L White

April 21, 2024, 8:15 AM

Thursday, April 18, 2024


Once I have sufficiently moistened the little puck, I like being able to share the yellow, or any other color, over multiple surfaces so that I might make better use of the paint.

Play time Tuesday.


Whittling Kindling



Whittling Kindling

You thought the time spent on the porch

might get you a bird or a whistle, 

a whale, turtle, pipe.

You paid attention to proper knives, 

care and cleaning, and the 

just right wood.

In the end you merely added shavings 

to the fire that warmed your life. 

A ghost of smoke now.

© David L White

April 18, 2024

Thursday morning poem

Saturday, April 13, 2024

Quink Water

This morning I discovered that Parker Quink ink does not stay put when I brush some watercolor over it.

I wonder if I start with watercolor and come back around. Next experiment, I guess.

I have watched Youtube videos.

I am reminded of the Chinese saying:

"Don't believe what they say. Go see."


April 13, 2024

Getting closer all the time


Art Space

 I have some experiments to make. I'd like to make them close enough together that I might document what works.

Elbow room.

Speedball Dandelion

 Here is one of only a few Speedball Dandelions in my first book.

I do NOT mean it to indicate that I ever had any artistic tendencies.

Coconut Wine

 Except for a few speedball black ink dandelions

I made no attempts at artistic embellishments

in my first handwritten book of poetry.



There is no door - 1974

They Say - poem


They Say

There may be some gems in here.

You might have to blow the dust a bit.

Critical minerals might require some smelting.

You get what you pay for.

They say.

Copyright David White

March 10, 2024, 5:40 AM

Keyword Poetry

 Keyword Poetry

The idea has recently been

that the legend is supplied 

for you and the map requires

you to fill in the blank page.

It's an idea, a work in progress.



Watch Your Thoughts

 a work in progress

Sweet Dreams

Sweet Dreams

the day was enough of a day 

nothing to pack or put away 

explain, define, approve, acquire 

nothing left to wonder till 

far tomorrow seeming distant

slipping between the sheets 

the temperature perfect

 the humidity A-okay

this old body feels - agreeable

stretching a bit to find a place 

every place better than fine 

even more than comfortable

no aches, pains, worries, concerns 

the breathing ... breathing easily

Sweet dreams soon and 

good, good night

© David L White

4/6/2020 poem

Watercolor Bookmarks


Doodles in the little bathroom




Hobo Daze 2023


Nothing to it


Nothing to it

When there’s nowhere to go

and nothing to do 

I go there 

and do 


No promise but proximity.

No direction but desire. 

Nothing to it.

April 12th Hobo Anthem since ever when 1973, or 2, who knows? 

There were hobos stirring soup in the Kettle of Creation.

Fish stories.


(c) David L White


Thursday, April 4, 2024

Gardun of Edun


The Gardun of Edun  

Dinner Theater

Three Shows Daily

Friday, Saturday, & Sunday

Complete Gift Shop

Shirts, hats, mugs, and 

palm fronds autographed

by Adam and Eve.

Apple Juggling Seminar

with God and the Serpent

during intermission on

Fridays and Saturdays only.

Family photos at a facade 

of The Tree of Knowledge 

of Good and Evil located

in the Gift Shop.

Parking available 

for passenger cars 

and tour busses.

Group rates available.

* * * * * * * * * *


Entrance to the Garden itself ONLY

if you are able to strip yourself of 

the need to know. Clothing optional. 

No photos inside.

You will be escorted out, incrementally, by the frequency 

and intensity of your own judgments. Do Not Judge.

* asterisk

We use “un” in garden and eden, instead of “en” to 

indicate that the perfection of the garden has never 

wavered inasmuch as it is:






Judge less. Do your best.

The Gardun of Edun is located

in the East Wing of the

Alphabet Zoupe Memorial Library

And will be fully operational by 

Hobo Daze - April 12th, 2024

(c) David L White 4/4/24

Language Exchange - Intercambio -

  Language Exchange/ Intercambio de idiomas This class connects Spanish and English language learners seeking to improve their conversationa...