Thursday, November 14, 2019

Preview Beautiful Route

Preview Beautiful Route

In the first Drive Time book I called the pieces stories. I remember now that stories have beginnings, middles, and ends. There is no punch line. There is no moral. Generally no bumpersticker. There are characters. No development. No plot. These are vignettes and snapshots of real people as they pass through my workspace with their Toyota branded automobiles they leave with us for service.

And here is a list of folks I remember. I’d hope to make it definitive but people keep showing up.

And then, there’s the stuff I think about, alone, on the way back to base.

Mary, the operator of Matrix, the 3D CAD gemstone cutting software. Diamonds.

Blue Don
Angry Deborah
Tami Country
Chris choral and organist
Bill B Choral Director

Papillon Model

Twisted Path

Female Chinese mathematician, though raveling with a man, sitting up front with me to make conversation, while he stayed in back.


Jackie Brown band
Ryan the mandolin player of Chicken Wire Empire
Milwaukee Symphony Orchestra cello player and viola player
Bass players - 3?



Nurses, teachers, firefighters, policeman, priests, pastors, nuns.
Fred sermon
Reiki masters
Sculptors - 4
Writing teachers
Art teachers
Language teachers
Special-needs teachers

PhD Philosopher
PhD Gospel Harry
Change Agent
Pipe organ repair man
Gospel professor
Philosopher PhD
Sprint musher
Air traffic controller
Head of airport grounds maintenance
Weld inspector
Knife Sharpener - Moleta
A Santera. A High priestess of Santeria 

Ophthalmologist and daughter-in-law
Oncologist Hindu - life, death, rebirth
Chiropractor multi dimensional
Sally the Psychic

Primary caregivers
Mental health professionals, 12+

Humor and health

Husband and wife each wrote me a poem
Aikido poetry

Insights and thinking partner
Peter P lead software dev
Intercambio -  Viviana Marta
Phil Rich PTSD Florida

Full Engagement
Falling Upward
Howard Zinn
Complaint Free World

Architecture Landscaping
Seasons Scenery
Variety, diversity, multiplicity
I do not know

Route 66
Lewis and Clark

peace, joy, contentment
Upleveling emotions on purpose

I’m not going to get a text from IKEA that indicates that a pallet load of parts to build my own peace has been delivered to my door. I have to make it myself. And if I wish to have peace then I have to let go of my complaining and my argumentative nature. Letting go isn’t difficult at all unless you think letting go means 100%. Letting go is incremental. It gets easier with practice. Just like most things.

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